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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the TRASTINTEK factory.

Export of Products

Export of TRASTINTEK products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All TRASTINTEK products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant TRASTINTEK: thermal blocks, modules, thermal covers, thermal cabinets, pulse tubes, explosion-proof heaters, regulators, boxes, inputs, cables, thermal insulation materials, high-temperature fabrics, textile slings, rope, chain
  • Thermoblocks TRASTINTEK
    Hitterm et al .
  • Modules TRASTINTEK
    Hitterm et al .
  • Thermal covers TRASTINTEK
    Thermal covers
    Hitterm, Fairtek, etc.
  • Thermal cabinets TRASTINTEK
    Thermal cabinets
    SHPT, SHPT-M, etc.
  • Pulse tubes TRASTINTEK
    Pulse tubes
    IMPL01, IMPL02, etc.
  • Explosion-proof heaters TRASTINTEK
    Explosion-proof heaters
    NKS, TERMITE, etc.
  • Explosion-proof regulators TRASTINTEK
    Explosion-proof regulators
    ART, VRTC-55/120, etc.
  • Explosion-proof boxes TRASTINTEK
    Explosion-proof boxes
    KV et al .
  • Explosion-proof inputs TRASTINTEK
    Explosion-proof inputs
    B1, B2, etc.
    AFS, FS+, FSLe, FSR, etc.
  • Thermal insulation materials TRASTINTEK
    Thermal insulation materials
    Fairtek-aerogel 450, etc.
  • High temperature fabrics TRASTINTEK
    High temperature fabrics
    with polyurethane impregnation, etc.
  • Textile slings TRASTINTEK
    Textile slings
    loop, ring, etc.
  • Rope slings TRASTINTEK
    Rope slings
    ring, loop, etc.
  • Chain slings TRASTINTEK
    Chain slings
    chain, ring, etc.


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